
And now a game:

Three people at least. Sit around a table. Everyone places their hands on the table. Now everyone places their left hand over the person sitting to your left, that way everyone’s hands are crossing each other’s, meaning your left hand will be resting on top of the right hand of the person to your left. The game starts when one person, it can be the youngest or the oldest, taps on the table once, then the next hand to the left taps on the table too, after that it’s the next hand to the left’s turn and so on until it the tapping goes all around the circle of hands and every hand had a turn to tap. Give it a couple of rounds to practice. Whenever you feel you are ready for the challenge, start the same game of tapping but now If someone double-taps, the direction changes, that means that whenever anyone taps twice the tapping changes into the opposite direction. If then the hand that was going next before the double tapping happened, taps, that hand is out, or if the hand that should be tapping next after the double tapping doesn’t tap or takes too long to react, that hand is out too. The winner is whoever has their two hands in the game or it could end up in a tie of two hands.

We might not be too comfortable trying new things. And might not like it right from the start. God has done something wonderful and He didn’t hesitate to do it. He made us new! We are now new creation, the old things are now gone. The disobedience, lying, fighting, all that is gone. When you trust in Jesus you are made new. Have you trusted in Jesus? How did that go? In what new ways has Jesus changed you?



