Brian Pettit
Brian was born in Iowa but became a follower of Jesus at age 10 and experienced God’s call to ministry at age 16 all while in Fort Wayne, IN.
He is a graduate of Southwest Baptist University and Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary.
Brian is married to Penny and they have 3 kids - Allison (married to Zak), Zach and Hadley.
Brian enjoys golf, pickelball, watching sporting events and spending time with family and friends (notice he didn’t say coffee, he’d rather have a Diet Pepsi).
Knowing Christ and getting to share that with others remains a focus for himself and his family.
What a privilege we all have been given to share our faith with others.
Felix Weber
Felix grew up in Germany in a more or less cultural Christian home, and a nebulous understanding of who God is.
After long investing in false hopes into an empty world, Felix realized he needed to meet the real God.
He came to the US in 2000. Shortly after, he gave his life to Christ. Being a professional musician, God began to use him for His Kingdom, starting as a church musician in Georgia, where he also met his wife, Cathy, a Christian songwriter from Nashville.
In 2004 God called him to Columbus to lead Worship in different churches until He lead Felix to Journey Church which has become his home church now for many years.
The verse that best describes his transformation is
"... he lifted me out of the pit of despair ... he put a new song in my mouth, a hymn of praise to our God.”
Psalm 40:1-3
Carlo Corral
Carlo considers himself a servant of Jesus Christ.
Jesus became his personal savior in ’96 in Mexico, his home country.
Carlo became Jesus’ follower when he was called to go study His book, the Bible and in Argentina.
There, he met his precious gift from Heaven, his wife Jennifer.
They have 5 extraordinary children: Samuel, Gracie, Lucy, Daniel & Sofia!
Carlo wants to share the passion for Jesus with everyone, especially the little ones.