How does one get good at drawing. It helps to study, learn basics of drawing, but by far the best way is just to draw! All the time! Every day! Here is a little challenge for you: You are going to draw a portrait of your hand. Place a blank piece of paper on the table and tape the corners so it doesn’t move, sit at the table in front of the paper with your pencil in your drawing hand. Now place your hand on the paper as if you are ready to draw, but… turn your head and body away from the table so you can’t see the paper and what you draw but look at your other hand.
Now stare at your hand, study it. When you feel ready, without looking at the paper but looking only at your hand, start drawing the lines that make up the shape of your hand as you see them. You are going to be drawing without seeing what you draw but what you want to draw, your hand. You are going to be tempted to want to see what you drew, but stop and wait until you are done. Draw everything about your hand: the little wrinkles and lines on your palm, or if you are doing the back of your hand, those wrinkles on the knuckles or the nails and the nail bed.
When you are done, you can look and see. It’s probably not going to look like a hand but a bunch of random lines. But those lines are your mind’s interpretation of your hand. This exercise helps you train your brain to actually see what you want to draw instead what your brain thinks a hand looks like. Frame your artwork!
This exercise also shows us that it is hard to trust when we don’t see what’s going on. But that is what faith really is. Take a look:
When we are sure that Jesus saved us from our sins even if we haven’t seen Him, that is faith. When I know that I am going to be with Him, that is faith. In what ways do you use faith every day?