Here is a fun little paper toy:
And now a verse. This one has a funny word. Can you guess which one I’m talking about?
The word is “CONFESS”. What does it mean? Confess means “to say the same” or, in other words, “to repeat”. To repeat what? In this case sin. No to repeat sin, but remember, it means to SAY the same. That’s what we repeat. What we have done wrong. Have you ever done something wrong and you get in trouble with mom or dad and they ask you “what did you do?”, followed by “ok, repeat after me: ‘I will not do (whatever you did wrong") again’”. That is what this word “confess” mean. To say what we did that God knows is wrong and ask for forgiveness. Last question, what do this verse says will happen if we “confess” what we did wrong to God? Talk about it!