Baptisms And Summer
'“I baptize you with water for repentance. But after me comes one who is more powerful than I, whose sandals I am not worthy to carry. He will baptize you with the Holy Spirit and fire. '
Matthew 3:11
Dear Journey Family…
With hearts full of gratefulness, we closed another week, another year of Kids Summerama. This one was a special one. The main reason being that we saw the children growing in knowledge and desire of following the Lord in practical ways.
Also, this was the very first VBS that we’ve had baptisms. What more practical way to show your trust in the Lord and desire to follow him than with a public declaration of your commitment to Christ. Three young believers stepped up and chose to just do that and it created conversation among the other children and their family which turned into decisions for salvation! Praise the Lord!
Here is the little recap video for the whole week: LINK
Pastor Carlo on Sunday to close the Kids Summerama season, reminded us how this life is all about Jesus and challenged us to have a life that revolves not around ourselves but completely around Jesus. If you would like to watch his message, you can go here: LINK
And as always, we hope to see you on Sunday and if you can’t make it, you can still be with us in the distance and watch it online.
Click on the link below.
Back To School
This Sunday we will take some time to pray for our students and parents as they all get ready to go back to school. Please join us in prayer in this back to school season so that the kids can put their eyes on Jesus. Pray for teachers to have wisdom and the fear of the Lord as they teach the students and for our whole school system to be aware of the responsibility that is not just to teach the kids but to guide them to truth and not what this world deems as “good”.
Remember the words of our Lord:
' “If anyone causes one of these little ones—those who believe in me—to stumble, it would be better for them to have a large millstone hung around their neck and to be drowned in the depths of the sea. ' Matthew 18:6
Missions Report
This Sunday will have an encouraging report by Sam and Gracie Corral sharing about their missions trip to Dominican Republic and the ministry that missionaries Richard and Nicole Soriano are carrying there in the Caribbean. Looking forward to it and hoping and praying that it is encouraging to everyone.
Labor Day Holiday Coming
We are half way through the summer so we have our eyes on what’s coming up on this second half. This Memorial Day plan to join us for our Communion Service, during our Sunday service and then enjoy lunch and fellowship afterwards. Sunday, September 3rd at 10am.
That’s all we have for now - it’s your turn to let us know what your thoughts are.
If you have anything that we can help with in prayer, please let us know.
We’d love to pray with you and for you.
Email us at
And until next time, thanks for reading!
The Journey Church Team
Follow us on social media
Journey Church Columbus | 8500 Memorial Dr. Plain City, OH 43064
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The Good News
'We proclaim to you what we have seen and heard, so that you also may have fellowship with us. And our fellowship is with the Father and with his Son, Jesus Christ. We write this to make our joy complete. '
1 John 1:3-4
Dear Journey Family…
It’s always encouraging and brings joy to us when we have a visit from one of our missionaries and they share about what the Lord is doing through them in the field of mission.
It challenges us to spread the Good News and many have been motivated to take the step of faith and go into missions. But at the very least, we get encouraged to step out of our comfort zone and realize that spreading the good news is a privilege and a matter of eternal consequences.
When we understand that God, the creator of the universe, has given us this mission. Even more, He is going with us; when we get to know the God who saves us is, we wouldn’t hesitate to share the hope we have with those around us.
And that is why we are thankful for the visit of missionary Nate Bell and his family this last Sunday to our service.
If you want to listen and watch his message, you can click HERE
And as always, we hope you can join us this Sunday when we will return to our new summer series “Verses Gone Rogue”. This Sunday Pastor Brian will be sharing the verse “For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them” and how we have come to misuse it.
We hope to see you on Sunday but if you can’t make it, you can still watch it online.
Click on the link below.
Summerama - Work Day.
First of all, thank you for all your support volunteering and bringing items for the Summerama, we have a great team that is ready to serve -and praise the Lord for that!
There are last details to put together before we start. We have our work day (more like work days) this weekend where we will put the pieces into place, so feel free to stop by and help out, this Saturday July 29 at noon and Sunday July 30th after the service.
There are still a few items that you can donate, if you would like to help out with that, you can click HERE. to do so.
And lastly, keep inviting your neighbors, your friends and please help us let people know about Kids Summerama ‘23!
We are praying for this to be a great outreach activity for children, parents and families!
End Abortion Ohio - Nicholas Kallis
Nicholas Kallis, cofounder of End Abortion Ohio has an interesting and important article about the upcoming elections in August here in Ohio. This will affect some key elements for the elections in November. The is about Issue 1 and the pro-abortion initiative in November.
In a few words Ohio's Issue 1 concerns amending the state constitution and would raise the threshold to amend it from 50% to 60% of the popular vote. The success of Issue 1 is crucial to defeat the expected pro-abortion ballot initiative in November and protect the state constitution from future left-wing agendas. Christians may consider voting "yes" to protect the constitution and pre-born neighbors.
To read the full article, you can click on this LINK and you can visit End Abortion Ohio’s website HERE
That’s all we have for now - it’s your turn to let us know what your thoughts are.
If you have anything that we can help with in prayer, please let us know.
We’d love to pray with you and for you.
Email us at
And until next time, thanks for reading!
The Journey Church Team
Follow us on social media
Journey Church Columbus | 8500 Memorial Dr. Plain City, OH 43064
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“For “everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.” How then will they call on him in whom they have not believed? And how are they to believe in him of whom they have never heard? And how are they to hear without someone preaching? And how are they to preach unless they are sent? As it is written, “How beautiful are the feet of those who preach the good news!”
Romans 10:13-15
Dear Journey Family…
We live in a world that is literally against anything that is called God and even more so anything that alludes to Christ or Christianity. People identifying with Christ are persecuted, some to a lesser extent than others. We have missionaries that have to leave their fields of mission because they are threatened with death. Others didn’t make it out and lost their lives because their beliefs and the spreading of The Message.
But we are all called to do that. We are supposed to be dead to our old self and live for Christ. How are you doing with that? Maybe you need a bit of encouragement.
One way we are encouraging our Journey families is by holding prayer walks in your neighborhoods. Praying for those next door and looking for an open door to share about Jesus’ love.
Another way to be encouraged will take place this Sunday as Nate Bell, one of our supported missionaries will be sharing with us about what God is doing through him and his ministry. He will also share what the Lord has put in his heart to share with the church during the morning service.
We hope you can join us.
Click on the link below.
Summerama - Donations Needed.
We are just over a week from our Kids Summerama ‘23 “Wild Life” kick off on Tuesday, August 1.
Thank you to everyone that has signed up or indicated interest in being involved. There is still time to sign up. If you want to join us and help, you can click here or email Carlo here.
There is a list of items that you can donate, if you would like to do that, you can click HERE. You can drop off the items at the church building any day this coming week (preferably before Saturday, July 30th), or just let us know and we can stop by and pick them up at your place.
Remember our “Work Day” on Saturday, July 29th at noon and Sunday July 30th after the service.
Invite your neighbors, your friends and please help us let people know what we are doing.
We are praying for this to be a great outreach activity for children, parents and families!
Journeymen just had their fourth session this Saturday morning, “The Dad Factor”, and it was a powerful one. We pray for a great time to reflect and improve but more than anything to surrender to Jesus. We hope that the discussion helped encourage and heal what needs to be healed.
Please keep our men at Journey in your prayers so they are close to the Lord as they lead their families, grow to become fathers that love Jesus and want to lead their families under His guidance.
If you need to catch up or would like to watch the videos from past sessions, here is the LINK, scroll to the bottom of the page to find the links.
The next session is Saturday, August 19th at 8 am. Invite a friend. A man friend.
That’s all we have for now - it’s your turn to let us know what your thoughts are.
If you have anything that we can help with in prayer, please let us know.
We’d love to pray with you and for you.
Email us at
And until next time, thanks for reading!
The Journey Church Team
Follow us on social media
Journey Church Columbus | 8500 Memorial Dr. Plain City, OH 43064
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Alive To God
'So you also must consider yourselves dead to sin and alive to God in Christ Jesus. '
Romans 6:11
Dear Journey Family…
Dear Journey Family,
We are in the midst of the summer business: graduations, trips, guests, events and the heat. In the middle of all that we are still followers of Christ. All these distractions can move us off center from God’s will.
What is his will? Total surrender to him and our complete devotion:
Psalm 95:6 says “Oh come, let us worship and bow down; let us kneel before the Lord, our Maker!” God, in His greatness, is worthy of all our devotion and praise. He is worthy of our whole hearts.
This Sunday, Pastor Justin will remind us and encourage us to put ourselves aside, to die to our own desires and turn to God. We hope you can join us.
Click on the link below.
Summerama Work Day"
Kids Summerama ‘23 “Wild Life” is coming on August 1, 2, 3, 4. Thank you to everyone that has signed up or indicated interest in being involved.
Remember our “Work Day” on Saturday, July 29th at noon and Sunday July 30th after the service.
If you want to volunteer, you can sign up here or email Carlo here.
Invite your neighbors, your friends and please help us let people know what we are doing.
We are praying for this to be a great outreach activity for children, parents and families!
Nate Bell Visiting Journey
Journey supported missionary, Nate Bell (ABWE | Cape Town, South Africa) will be visiting Journey Church this coming July the 23rd. He will share about his ministry in Cape Town and will be sharing God’s word with us that morning.
Please keep him and his family in your prayers.
That’s all we have for now - it’s your turn to let us know what your thoughts are.
If you have anything that we can help with in prayer, please let us know.
We’d love to pray with you and for you.
Email us at
And until next time, thanks for reading!
The Journey Church Team
Follow us on social media
Journey Church Columbus | 8500 Memorial Dr. Plain City, OH 43064
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God's Will
“The king’s heart is a stream of water in the hand of the LORD; he turns it wherever he will.”
Proverbs 21:1
Dear Journey Family…
Dear Journey Family,
We hope you are doing well as you enjoy the warmer weather for a few months, doing yard work, cleaning your garage, going out on vacation or just to the park or whatever activities you usually do in the summer.
We are getting to the end of our series on Proverbs at Journey, “Words of Wisdom”
This Sunday Pastor Brian touches on the topic of God’s sovereignty. We hope you can join us in person but if not, you can do so online. Click on the link below.
“Summerama-rers” Wanted
Kids Summerama ‘23 “Wild Life” is coming on August 1, 2, 3, 4. We need your help.
If you want to volunteer, you can sign up here or email Carlo here.
There will be a “Work Day” on Saturday, July 29th at noon and Sunday July 30th after the service.
Please continue to pray for this activity. Invite your neighbors, your friends and please help us let people know what we are doing.
We are praying for this to be a great outreach activity for children, parents and families!
Right Now Media
As a reminder we have Right Now Media service available for free to our Journey Church Friends. If you are not signed up for it, please let us know, we will help you out.
If you don’t know what Right Now Media is, it is a Christian streaming service with a wide catalog of preachings, sermons, Bible study series, movies and content for children that you can watch on your tv, computer or mobile device.
If you are interested in Right Now Media, let us know here.
Journey Folks: Kevin and Karla Courtright
They’ve been at Journey for about 14 years. Been married 32 years. Their Anniversary is 12/14/1990.
Karla was 9 when she trusted in Jesus as her savior; Kevin was later in 1989 at 22 years old.
They foster dogs for a local rescue and have placed over 50 dogs to new families.
That’s all we have for now - it’s your turn to let us know what your thoughts are.
If you have anything that we can help with in prayer, please let us know.
We’d love to pray with you and for you.
Email us at
And until next time, thanks for reading!
The Journey Church Team
Follow us on social media
Journey Church Columbus | 8500 Memorial Dr. Plain City, OH 43064
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Men Of Wisdom
Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it.
Proverbs 4:23
Dear Journey Family…
Dear Journey Family,
We hope this message finds you well and blessed today. We are in mid June and Father’s Day is this weekend. Fun fact, according to this year Father’s Day is the number 6 most popular holiday in the US, just below Mother’s Day. Number one? Thanksgiving, of course.
We hope you can join us to celebrate the Fathers in your life as we worship this Sunday. We’ll have message number 4, “Heart Of The Man Of God” in our series “Words Of Wisdom” .
It's going to be a powerful service and we would be honored to have you join us. We believe that everyone who attends will be touched by the presence of God and leave feeling invigorated and inspired. So please, come join us at 10am as we make a joyful noise unto the Lord and lift up our hearts in worship.
As always, to join us online, click on the link below.
Journeymen - Betterman Next Saturday!
Have you invited anyone yet? There is still time, it’s going to be so encouraging.
Saturday, June 24th at 8am.
The topic is: Unpacking. We hope to see you there!
For more information, click on the button below. Send the link to someone.
Please pray for this activity. We would like to see the Lord changing the lives of young ones and adults alike. We are prepping and getting things ready for this year Kids Summerama.
Sign your kids up now: SIGN UP
If you would like to volunteer you can also sign up here: VOLUNTEER SIGN UP
If you want us to go and invite them door to door, just let us know!
We are praying for this to be a great outreach activity for children, parents and families!
'…praying at all times in the Spirit, with all prayer and supplication. To that end, keep alert with all perseverance, making supplication for all the saints…'
Ephesians 6:18
Remember to pray for those who are sick, under treatment or recovering from illness or surgeries.
We want all of us to be fully dependent on our Lord!
That’s all we have for now - it’s your turn to let us know what your thoughts are.
If you have anything that we can help with in prayer, please let us know.
We’d love to pray with you and for you.
Email us at
And until next time, thanks for reading!
The Journey Church Team
Follow us on social media
Journey Church Columbus | 8500 Memorial Dr. Plain City, OH 43064
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Wisdom With Children
“Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it.”
Proverbs 22:6
Dear Journey Family…
For the last couple of weeks we have been talking about wisdom from the book of Proverbs in our Sunday morning service. We have already talked about wisdom in life, gossip, wisdom with money, this time around we will focus on raising children. You might be a grandparent at this point or still single with no children and you might think “this is not as relevant to me”. The word of God is always relevant for us, no matter what stage of life we find ourselves in.
We hope you can join us this Sunday at 10 am.
To join us online, click on the link below.
One More
Last week we announced the deadline for bringing the baby bottles with your donations for PDHC was last Sunday. Well, we added a grace week and you can still bring your bottles or donations this Sunday. But this is it, alright?
Remember that if you didn’t take any bottles but still want to help, you can do it directly to their website:
Journeymen - Betterman
Our next men’s ministry group meeting is coming up in a few weeks, Saturday, June 24th at 8am.
The topic is: Unpacking. Invite a friend or two.
For more information, click on the button below.
We are excited and ready to start sign ups for kids and volunteers for this year’s Kids Summerama ‘23, “Wild Life”. This is going to be a fantastic vacation Bible school!
The dates are Monday, August 1st through Friday, August 4th from 6pm to 8pm at our church’s building.
If you have kids that will be attending, you can sign them up now: SIGN UP
If you would like to volunteer you can also sign up here: VOLUNTEER SIGN UP
That’s all we have for now - it’s your turn to let us know what your thoughts are.
If you have anything that we can help with in prayer, please let us know.
We’d love to pray with you and for you.
Email us at
And until next time, thanks for reading!
The Journey Church Team
Follow us on social media
Journey Church Columbus | 8500 Memorial Dr. Plain City, OH 43064
Follow us on social
More Wisdom
'For the Lord gives wisdom; from his mouth come knowledge and understanding; '
Proverbs 2:6
Dear Journey Family…
Last Sunday Pastor Brian started a new series titled “Wise Words” based on the book of Proverbs. He talked about gossip and how gossip divides us. It was a good reminder to all of us to keep our words and the things we say about others in check.
This week he will be sharing “Wise Words About Money”. Interesting? Controversial? Maybe. Biblical nonetheless. We hope you can join us.
To join us online, click on the link below.
Last Call
This Sunday will be the deadline for the baby bottles campaign. If you got a bottle and have been filling it with money, this is the Sunday to bring it back. If you didn’t but still want to help, you can do it directly to their website:
Journeymen - Betterman
As a reminder this summer Journeymen, our men’s ministry, are meeting once a month on Saturday to go over the Betterman study. We had a great turn out at our last meeting.
If you are interested here are the next dates:
Saturday 6/24 – 8-10am Unpacking
Saturday 7/22 – 8-10am The Dad Factor
Saturday 8/19 – 8-10am Defining Manhood
We hope to see you there!
For more information, click on the button below.
DNA Kids Summer Camp
There is still time to sign up if you are interested to help any of the three weeks that the camp takes place, just go to the link below:
The camp is four weeks total. The dates are June 12th through June 16th and June 26th through July 14th
That’s all we have for now - it’s your turn to let us know what your thoughts are.
If you have anything that we can help with in prayer, please let us know.
We’d love to pray with you and for you.
Email us to
And until next time, thanks for reading!
The Journey Church Team
Follow us on social media
Journey Church Columbus | 8500 Memorial Dr. Plain City, OH 43064
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' The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge; fools despise wisdom and instruction. '
Proverbs 1:7
Dear Journey Family…
A person once said: “Read a proverb a day , if you want to be wise like me…”. The first part of that statement is correct, the second part doesn’t show a lot of wisdom. But to his credit, we are all in a journey to be more like Jesus.
We don’t talk about wisdom very much; it doesn’t have the center stage in our current culture but it is an essential part of what we are as individuals. Plainly put wisdom is the ability to make the right choice.
This Sunday Pastor Brian will start a new series titled “Wise Words” from the book of Proverbs. We hope you can join us and you are welcome to invite someone along.
If you want to join us online, click on the link below.
Graduates Sunday
Speaking of wisdom, last Sunday we prayed for our graduates. We want to encourage you to keep praying for them as they start the next chapter in their lives, so that they make wise decisions and follow God’s guidance. If you would like to watch their interviews click on the image below.
Here are the dates to the graduates’ respective open house parties:
Samuel Corral: SATURDAY, JUNE 3, 2023 AT 2 PM
Andrew Glass: SUNDAY, JUNE 4, 2023 AT 2 PM
Carter Harrington: SATURDAY, JUNE 17, 2023 AT 4 PM
Journeymen Next Meetings:
Journeymen, our men’s group are getting together throughout the summer.
If you would like to join them or want to invite somebody, here are the dates and topics for the next meetings:
Saturday 6/24 – 8-10am Unpacking
Saturday 7/22 – 8-10am The Dad Factor
Saturday 8/19 – 8-10am Defining Manhood
We hope to see you there!
For more information, click on the button below.
DNA Kids Summer Camp
We mentioned last week about our friends at Daily Needs Assistance of Plain City (DNA) and their annual kids summer camp . We missed the link to their promo video, that won’t happen this time. You can click on the image below and it will take you to the promo:
The camp is four weeks total. The dates are June 12th through June 16th and June 26th through July 14th
If you are interested in volunteering or know of someone that would be, here is the link to their website: DNA of Plain City
Summerama - Journey’s 2023 VBS
Remember that we are holding our Kids Summerama this year the first week of August in the evening. If you would like to help out, please let us know: email
We’ll have more information available soon.
Journey Folks
Every week we will be featuring a different Journey Family so we all can know each other a little better.
This week we are featuring Dan and Joan Orndorff.
Married 40 years this past December 30th.
Joan trusted Jesus in her early twenties, Dan when he was 12. They started attending Journey in 2018.
They would appreciate your prayers for them.
That’s all we have for now - it’s your turn to let us know what your thoughts are.
If you have anything that we can help with in prayer, please let us know.
We’d love to pray with you and for you.
Email us to
And until next time, thanks for reading!
The Journey Church Team
Follow us on social media
Journey Church Columbus | 8500 Memorial Dr. Plain City, OH 43064
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“Children are a gift from the Lord; they are a reward from him.”
Psalm 127:3
Dear Journey Family…
Last Sunday we celebrated Mother’s day at Journey and as part of the celebration we had the privilege to pray for two dear young families; Joseph and Cassi with baby Sierra and Zach and Allison with baby Sa.
Both have had similar journeys to become parents, lengthy and at times stressful and painful, but both trusted the Lord and the Lord granted them their desire to be blessed with a child.
We thank the Lord for their lives and will be cheering them up and supporting them on their journey raising these two precious blessings.
Graduates Sunday
It’s time to congratulate our graduates this Sunday. Join us in person or online to bless these young men and commend them for finishing this stage of their lives. Justin Harrington will take the pulpit as he shares a message of encouragement for the graduates entitled “It’s Your Journey Now”.
Here are the dates to the graduates’ respective parties in case you wish to send a card or something:
Samuel Corral: SATURDAY, JUNE 3, 2023 AT 2 PM
Andrew Glass: SUNDAY, JUNE 4, 2023 AT 2 PM
Carter Harrington: SATURDAY, JUNE 17, 2023 AT 4 PM
We hope you can join us this Saturday, May 20th at 8am for the second installment of the Bettermen study.
Here are the dates and topics for the next months with the men’s ministry:
Saturday 5/20 – 8-10am Looking Back
Saturday 6/24 – 8-10am Unpacking
Saturday 7/22 – 8-10am The Dad Factor
Saturday 8/19 – 8-10am Defining Manhood
We will see you there! Invite a friend.
For more information, click on the button below.
DNA Looking For Volunteers
Our friends at Daily Needs Assistance of Plain City (DNA) will be holding their annual kids summer camp soon. As with any of these efforts, in order for the camp to run, it requires a lot of people’s collaboration to make it work. DNA is asking the churches in the area to let everyone know about the need for volunteers. The camp is a great opportunity that will open doors for many other ways of outreach and ministry.
Here is a short promo of their camp:
Currently we are working with the pastors in Plain City together with DNA to start a Hispanic outreach ministry that we pray will be the beginning of a Hispanic church in Plain City.
If you are interested in volunteering or know of someone that would be, here is the link to their website: DNA of Plain City
Summerama - Journey’s 2023 VBS
And on the topic of kids, this is your first “save the date”. Our 2023, Kids Summerama “Wild Life” will be Tuesday, August 1st through Friday, August 4th at 6 PM at the Journey Building.
That’s all we have for now - it’s your turn to let us know what your thoughts are.
If you have anything that we can help with in prayer, please let us know.
We’d love to pray with you and for you.
Email us to
And until next time, thanks for reading!
The Journey Church Team
Follow us on social media
Journey Church Columbus | 8500 Memorial Dr. Plain City, OH 43064
Follow us on social
You Will Always Belong
'for in Christ Jesus you are all sons of God,
through faith. '
Galatians 3:26
Dear Journey Family…
Last Sunday Pastor Brian concluded the series “You Belong” where he focused our attention to the important fact that in Christ, we belong to God’s family. That we not merely attend church but we take church with us wherever we go and we represent Jesus’ family to those around us.
We hope that these last weeks were encouraging to you. You are not along, you have the God of the universe in you the moment you believed in his Son and he has made you part of his family. Forever.
Mother’s Day - Baby Dedication
How are you celebrating Mother’s Day? We are doing it by giving thanks and praying for our mothers during our morning service on Sunday. We will also have a couple of new moms and new babies with us to be thankful for and to dedicate to the Lord. Bring your mom, get some pictures with them and thank God for their lives.
We hope you can join us this Sunday at 10:00am.
We continue with our men’s group’s monthly meetings and the series “Betterman”.
The next one coming up is Saturday, May 20th at 8am. The topic is “Looking Back”. We hope you can join us and maybe even invite a friend.
For more information, click on the button below.
Supporting Life
Last week we started our campaign to support our friends at Pregnancy Decision Health Center with their yearly baby bottles “Bottles For Life” program. We will continue making the bottles available for a few more weeks and reminding you of this chance to participate in this effort.
Here is a short video that tells you a little bit about the history of this organization:
To learn more about PDHC and their powerful ministry, go to:
Mike and Selma have been attending Journey Church for the last 8 years. They have been a faithful part of this family of believers. If you would like to watch and hear their story click HERE.
That’s all we have for now - it’s your turn to let us know what your thoughts are.
If you have anything that we can help in prayer, please let us know.
We’d love to pray with you and for you.
Email us to
And until next time, thanks for reading!
The Journey Church Team
Follow us on social media
Journey Church Columbus | 8500 Memorial Dr. Plain City, OH 43064
Follow us on social
Journey In The Word
For you did not receive the spirit of slavery to fall back into fear, but you have received the Spirit of adoption as sons, by whom we cry, “Abba! Father!”
Romans 8:15
Dear Journey Family…
And we say that not just as a buzz word but as a fact. In Christ we are all family. Christ’s family. He adopted us by his sacrifice and we were made part of his family when we put our trust in him. So you belong to the family of God and you belong to our Journey Family.
We hope you can join us this Sunday at 10:00am.
Everyone’s An Artist!
Just a few days until we get ready to paint. Invite your friends bring your mom or your grandpa or your grandkids. This is for everyone! We hope to see you there.
More info HERE.
Saturday, May 6th at 3pm.
Sign up online now.
Supporting Life
At Journey very often we get these extra opportunities to be a blessing financially, aside from our regular giving. To support the efforts that individuals and organizations are making to advance the Gospel or make a difference in someone’s life.
In this case, we are glad to be able to partner with our friends at Pregnancy Decision Health Centers (PDHC) once again and their Bottles For Life campaign.
If you are considering helping, we have the cute little baby bottles available this Sunday. You can take it home, collect money for them and then bring them back. If you rather give a check or cash directly, we’ll have envelopes in the back with their info that you can take and place your donation in it and put it in the giving box.
You can also make a check to Journey Church and indicate it is for PDHC to make sure to separate it from your general giving.
To learn more about PDHC and their powerful ministry, go to:
Don Hylton has also been part of our Journey Family since the beginning. He and his wife Maxine followed Pastor Denny when they started Journey at the George’s house. Maxine was called by the Lord to his presence years ago and Don has remained faithful as part of Journey Church.
If you would like to watch the clip, you can do so HERE.
New Month, New Missionary
April is gone and May is here. With that we encourage you to join us in prayer for our missionaries. Men and Women that have dedicated their lives to spreading the Gospel and making disciples here in the US and abroad.
This month it’s the turn of Jerry and Gwen Shellhaas. Missionaries to the nations through International Friendships Inc. based here in Columbus. You can learn more about their ministry HERE
That’s all we have for now - it’s your turn to let us know what your thoughts are.
If you have anything that we can help in prayer, please let us know.
We’d love to pray with you and for you.
Email us to
And until next time, thanks for reading!
The Journey Church Team
Follow us on social media
Journey Church Columbus | 8500 Memorial Dr. Plain City, OH 43064
Follow us on social
Journey In The Word
One Another
“so in Christ we, though many, form one body, and each member belongs to all the others.”
Romans 12:5
Dear Journey Family…
Last Sunday we started our series “You Belong”. Pastor Brian reminded us that in this world we are not orphans, but we belong to our Father. This Sunday he will introduce us to the rest of the family in his message “We Belong To One Another”
We hope you can join us this Sunday at 10:00am.
With the new Sunday series “You Belong”, we are also treated to a short video clip every week featuring a testimony from one of our Journey family members. Last Sunday was Felix’s turn sharing about his experience as part of a church in times of grief.
If you would like to watch the clip, you can do so HERE.
The Men Of The Journey
Monday, April 24 6pm
There is still room for more men, this will be a great chance to get to know each other, encourage one another, share some delicious tacos from the “Los Taquitos” taco truck and spend time in the Word.
We hope you can join us and bring someone along.
Outreach With Paint
Please invite your friends to this event. Bring someone along that normally would hesitate coming to church. It’s a very good way to get them connected with Journey, but ultimately connected with Jesus.
Saturday, May 6th at 3pm.
Sign up online now.
Amazon Smile
Just as a reminder or if you didn’t know, then as an FYI; if you shop on Amazon, you can also contribute to Journey Church by using Amazon Smile. It doesn’t add any fees, it doesn’t cost anything to you other than a few seconds to set it up. Just go to Amazon Smile, sign in with your Amazon login info, and follow the prompts. It will ask you what charity you would like to donate. There, search for Journey Church of Columbus, select it and that’s all you need to do to set it up. The next time you are going to shop at Amazon, go to:, it will automatically take you to your account on Amazon but whatever you purchase, it will take a percentage of your payment and add it to Journey Church. Easy!
That’s all we have for now - it’s your turn to let us know what your thoughts are.
If you have anything that we can help in prayer, please let us know.
We’d love to pray with you and for you.
Email us to
And until next time, thanks for reading!
The Journey Church Team
Follow us on social media
Journey Church Columbus | 8500 Memorial Dr. Plain City, OH 43064
Follow us on social
Journey In The Word
Not Orphans
“But to all who did receive him, who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God”
John 1:12
Dear Journey Family…
After Easter it always feels like we are on our way to nice sunny days, everyone in a better mood, no colds, no sneezing, it’s all smiles and music.
Hopefully that is where we are heading. There is still a lot of work to do for the Lord, but we do it with joy and gratitude.
This side of the season we are starting a new series this Sunday by Pastor Brian titled “You Belong”. We will focus on the importance that God gives to the church. It is his means to spread the good news and love to those who don’t know him, as well as to equip and take care of those who have been made part of his family.
We hope you can join us this Sunday at 10:00am.
You guys did Eggcellent!!
We are so thankful for the great weather, the almost 6,000 eggs, the team effort and the amount of people that showed up, heard the message and made a connection with us. We are praying to see the fruit of this labor.
If you haven’t seen the photos from the hunt, you can do so HERE.
Food & Fellowship. For Journeymen
Monday, April 24 6pm
It is less than two weeks away. We invite all men at Journey you can also bring a friend.
Come join us ! We’ll have dinner, a time of worship and a message from the Word of God and it will be a great opportunity for fellowship with other men.
Mark your calendars and invite a friend or two.
Paint Class Is Back!
Painters and non-painters, artists and non-artists! We are inviting all our friends kids and adults to another session of Bible By Colors, Spring Edition.
Please invite your friends to this outreach event. This is a great opportunity to bring someone that normally would hesitate coming to church. It’s a very good way to get them connected with Journey, but ultimately connected with Jesus.
Saturday, May 6th at 3pm.
Sign up online now.
Small Group
Pastor Brian’s new small group started last Tuesday, with a very good turnout. Most everyone walked in Bible in hand and ready to spend time in God’s word. They left joyful and ready!
If you are retired or close to being retired and are interested in this new group, click on the button below, but you are absolutely welcome to join them every Tuesday mornings at 10am.
That’s all we have for now - it’s your turn to let us know what your thoughts are.
If you have anything that we can help in prayer, please let us know.
We’d love to pray with you and for you.
Email us to
And until next time, thanks for reading!
The Journey Church Team
Follow us on social media
Journey Church Columbus | 8500 Memorial Dr. Plain City, OH 43064
Follow us on social
Journey In The Word
'And as they were frightened and bowed their faces to the ground, the men said to them, “Why do you seek the living among the dead? '
Luke 24:5
Dear Journey Family…
What are you thirsty for?
Jesus, on the cross just minutes from surrendering his spirit, thirsts for water. That after enduring the punishment not just from the Romans and their sentence but from the wrath of God on him because of our sin. He was thirsty, showing that he was in his full human condition, as a flesh and blood man, paying for our transgressions. He was thirsty. At no point in this event did he use his divinity as a tool to ease his pain. He left it all aside.
That was necessary:
'For as by the one man’s disobedience the many were made sinners, so by the one man’s obedience the many will be made righteous. ' Romans 5:19
Join us this Sunday to worship with us through singing and to dive into the scriptures as we look at another one of Jesus’ famous words from the cross.
Good Friday Communion Service
It’s tomorrow! Good Friday Communion Service, Friday, April 7 at 6:30pm.
Please prepare your hearts to remember and celebrate our Lord’s last supper and his sacrifice on the cross and join us for a time to reflect and thank him for the hope we have in him.
We are so Eggcited!!
Thank you all for the enormous amount of eggs everyone has brought. We are thankful and excited for what God will be doing in this event.
Now we just need people -many kids to come and pick up these eggs.
Please invite people to the egg hunt. As we said before, this is an outreach event and we would love to see many people attending the event but also having the opportunity to know Christ.
There are still invitations available in the back of the room at the worship center.
If you want to use a digital invitation to post it on your social media or to email or text someone, you can grab it HERE.
Please continue to pray for this event.
And if you want to volunteer, we still need helpers for the day of the event and beforehand. If you are interested in helping, please email us HERE.
The 2023 Community Easter Egg Hunt on Saturday, April 8th at 10:30am at Coffman Park in Dublin by the Dublin Rec Center, will be an event to remember.
Invite A Friend…
We hope you are excited about celebrating Resurrection Sunday this week. This is the biggest celebration in the Christian faith. Everything in the Bible hinges on this event and for thousands of years now we look at this particular day as the day the entire human race were clearly given the way to get to heaven.
We encourage you to invite friends, neighbors, family members because we want to tell of the wonders of God and his message of salvation.
Please, if at all possible, make sure that we get your guest’s information so we can follow up and send them a welcome message and more information about Journey Church.
(As a reminder and to make sure we are welcoming to our friends and visitors, please park in the areas adjacent to ours. Thank you)
Mother’s Day, Graduation Sunday Candidates Wanted
Mother’s Day and Baby Dedication Sunday is just around the corner as well as Graduation Sunday.
If you or someone you know has a new baby or a graduate this year and would like to take part in any of these two events, please let us know. Email us HERE or talk to one of the pastors on Sunday.
Journeymen Coming Up
Another one of our upcoming events for you to keep on your radar:
Journeymen Food & Fellowship, Monday, April 24 6pm
Come join us for a great time of fellowship. We’ll have dinner, a time of worship and a message from the Word of God and it will be a great opportunity for fellowship with other men.
What is Journeymen you might ask? Here is a bit of info on the vision and purpose of Journeymen:
To see Men that are Pursuing Life in Christ.
Educate, train and inspire men to pursue life in Christ by following Jesus, not just merely “believing” in Jesus.
Mark your calendars and invite a friend or two.
Paint Class Is Back!
We are inviting all our friends young and adult to another session of Bible By Colors, Spring Edition. Start inviting your friends because this is an outreach event, which means that it is a great opportunity to invite someone that normally would say no to go to church. Have them come to a “low key” event where we can get them connected with the ministry but ultimately connected with Jesus.
The date is Saturday, May 6th at 3pm, sign up online.
New Small Group
Pastor Brian is starting a new group starting this Tuesday, April 11th at 10am at the Journey Church building. If you are retired or close to be retired and are interested in this new group, please contact Pastor Brian, but you are absolutely welcome to join them every Tuesday.
That’s all we have for now - it’s your turn to let us know what your thoughts are.
If you have anything that we can help in prayer, please let us know.
We’d love to pray with you and for you.
Email us to
And until next time, thanks for reading!
The Journey Church Team
Follow us on social media
Journey Church Columbus | 8500 Memorial Dr. Plain City, OH 43064
Follow us on social
Journey In The Word
'After this, Jesus, knowing that all was now finished, said ( to fulfill the Scripture), “I thirst.” '
John 19:28
Dear Journey Family…
What are you thirsty for?
Jesus, on the cross just minutes from surrendering his spirit, thirsts for water. That after enduring the punishment not just from the Romans and their sentence but from the wrath of God on him because of our sin. He was thirsty, showing that he was in his full human condition, as a flesh and blood man, paying for our transgressions. He was thirsty. At no point in this event did he use his divinity as a tool to ease his pain. He left it all aside.
That was necessary:
'For as by the one man’s disobedience the many were made sinners, so by the one man’s obedience the many will be made righteous. ' Romans 5:19
Join us this Sunday to worship with us through singing and to dive into the scriptures as we look at another one of Jesus’ famous words from the cross.
There Is Still Chance For More Eggs
Thank you all for the enormous amount of eggs everyone has brought. We are thankful and excited for what God will be doing in this event.
Now we just need people -many kids to come and pick up these eggs.
Please invite people to the egg hunt, as we said before, this is an outreach event and we would love to see many people attending the event but also getting to know Christ.
There is still invitations available in the back of the room at the worship center.
If you want to use a digital invitation to post it on your social media or to email or text someone, you can grab it HERE.
Please continue to pray for this event.
And if you want to volunteer, we still need helpers for the day of the event and beforehand. If you are interested in helping, please email us HERE.
The 2023 Community Easter Egg Hunt on Saturday, April 8th at 10:30am at Coffman Park in Dublin by the Dublin Rec Center, will be an event to remember.
Good Friday Communion Service
We remind you and invite you to come to our Good Friday Communion Service, Friday, April 7 at 6:30pm. It will be a wonderful time to reflect on our savior’s sacrifice and celebrate the hope we have in him.
Mother’s Day, Graduation Sunday Candidates Wanted
We are starting to plan for next month’s Mother’s Day Baby Dedication and Graduate Sunday Celebration.
If you or someone you know has a new baby and would like to take part in committing themselves to raise their child under the guidance of God’s word, or if you know of someone graduating this year from high school or college we would like to celebrate them.
Please let us know. Email us HERE
We thank everyone coming to our services Sunday mornings and for the efforts that many make to park on the surrounding areas to our building in order to allow for visitors to park the closest to the entrance. Once again we will have our Easter Sunday Service and the amount of visitors increases and we want to be as welcoming to everyone as we can.
So if you remember to park in the areas across our building, we will really appreciate it. This will definitely be adding to a good experience for those who have invited family or friends to our service.
That’s all we have for now - it’s your turn to let us know what your thoughts are.
If you have anything that we can help in prayer, please let us know.
We’d love to pray with you and for you.
Email us to
And until next time, thanks for reading!
The Journey Church Team
Follow us on social media
Journey Church Columbus | 8500 Memorial Dr. Plain City, OH 43064
Follow us on social
Journey In The Word
“But He was wounded for our transgressions, He was bruised for our iniquities; The chastisement for our peace was upon Him, And by His stripes, we are healed.”
Isaiah 53:5
Dear Journey Family…
Darkness. A sign of God’s judgement for our sins as they were being paid in full.
Jesus took the weight of our sins on him. That was the biggest pain he endured. Our sins. Not the torturing, not the punching, whipping, bruising; not the thorns on his head, the cross on his back or the nails on his hands and feet. Not the humiliation, the mocking, the spitting. It was our sins. Every one of them. That was his biggest pain.
Pastor Justin reminded us of this important truth. As terrible as all that he suffered was, the moment when his Father turned his back on him because of all the sin upon him, that was the biggest pain. Something that happened once and will never repeat ever again. He was abandoned by God.
It was necessary for the forgiveness of our debt to our Creator. Jesus was willing to pay it.
Join us this Sunday morning at 10 for a time of worship and learning from God’s word as we look at another one of Jesus’ last famous phrases from the cross: “Thirsty”
Community Easter Egg Hunt
Thank you all for your enthusiasm participating in bringing eggs. We are close to our goal of 4,000 eggs. We can make it! Please keep bringing eggs. Our deadline is April 2nd.
But also don’t forget to invite people to the egg hunt, this is an outreach event so we would love to see tons of people coming to the event but also coming to Christ. We have invitations ready at the church building, so grab a couple and invite a friend or two. Please continue to pray for this event.
We are also in need of helpers for the day of the event and beforehand. If you are interested in helping, please sign up HERE.
The 2023 Community Easter Egg Hunt on Saturday, April 8th at 10am at Coffman Park in Dublin by the Dublin Rec Center, will be an event to remember.
We want to thank you for your continued support towards Journey Church, its ministries and the efforts to spread God’s message. Remember that you can give your donation in person on Sunday morning or at your convenience online in our Church Center website HERE.
Neighborhood Prayer Walk
Remember this March 25 to go out in your neighborhood and pray as you walk. Who knows how God can use this opportunity to make new connections with a new neighbor, and old neighbor you haven’t seen in a while or that elusive neighbor that you haven’t had a chance to talk to. Just remember more than anything, focus on prayer. Pray for your neighborhood to turn towards Christ.
That’s all we have for now -it’s your turn to let us know what your thoughts are.
If you have anything that we can help in prayer, please let us know.
We’d love to pray with you and for you.
Email us to
And until next time, thanks for reading!
The Journey Church Team
Follow us on social media
Journey Church Columbus | 8500 Memorial Dr. Plain City, OH 43064
Follow us on social
Journey In The Word
Here's Your Mother
'Then he said to the disciple, “Behold, your mother!” And from that hour the disciple took her to his own home. '
John 19:27
Dear Journey Family…
Last week, Pastor Brian reminded us of Jesus’ words to John and his mother, Mary. He exhorted us to not forsake caring for those in our families, whether mom or dad, grandparents, aunts, uncles, even those who are not of our family that might need someone to take care of them.
That’s what the church is for. To share Jesus’ love in action. That’s what Jesus wants of his church.
How are you doing being Jesus to those closest to us? Don’t miss an opportunity; call someone, text them or go visit them. They’ll appreciate it.
This Sunday, Pastor Justin will bring God’s message when we see another one of Jesus last famous words from the cross. Join us this Sunday at our building or online.
Work Day At Journey
Thanks to the wonderful group of hard working bees that was our work day team. It was a beautiful choreography of handy work and sanitation. Such a blessing!



















Community Easter Egg Hunt
We already have been able to gather a little over 2,000 eggs. Thank you all for helping out. We are half way there though. So please keep bringing eggs. We also have some empty eggs that you can pick up, fill them up with candy and bring them back. Our deadline is April 2nd.
The 2023 Community Easter Egg Hunt on Saturday, April 8th at 10am at Coffman Park in Dublin by the Dublin Rec Center, will be an event to remember.
We have invitations ready at the church building, so grab a couple and invite a friend or two.
Neighborhood Prayer Walk
We are encouraging you all to take a time this March 25 and go out your neighborhood and pray while you walk. Be open to what the Lord will bring to you during this time: maybe meeting a new neighbor, reconnecting with someone you haven’t talked to in a while, but more than anything, pray. Pray for your neighborhood to be won for Christ.
That’s all we have for now -it’s your turn to let us know what your thoughts are.
If you have anything that we can help in prayer, please let us know.
We’d love to pray with you and for you.
Email us to
And until next time, thanks for reading!
The Journey Church Team
Follow us on social media
Journey Church Columbus | 8500 Memorial Dr. Plain City, OH 43064
Follow us on social
Journey In The Word
"Daniel answered and said: 'Blessed be the name of God forever and ever, to whom belong wisdom and might. He changes times and seasons…”
Daniel 2:20-21.
Dear Journey Family…
Time change is here already and it’s not the fun one. This one is the one that we struggle with at first and throws us off. But that’s how God designed things for us any way, didn’t he? He doesn’t want us to stay in the same place, he wants us to grow in knowledge, wisdom, faith, love and that only comes through trials and tough times.
Join us this Sunday to learn about the third famous phrase Jesus uttered from the cross.
Work Day At Journey
This Saturday at 9 am, we are coming together as a church to clean and paint and get our building in shape. It’s been a while (if ever at this building) since we gathered as a church in this way. We hope you can join us.
You can still sign up on the link below.
Community Easter Egg Hunt
The 2023 Community Easter Egg Hunt on Saturday, April 8th at 10am at Coffman Park in Dublin by the Dublin Rec Center, will be an event to remember.
We have invitations ready at the church building, so grab a couple and invite a friend or two.
There will also be opportunities for service in different areas, we will open sign up for volunteering this Sunday.
And of course we need eggs. So please keep bringing eggs, we have a goal for 4,000 eggs this year. That’s a lot of eggs, but we want people to be excited.
Please pray for this event where we will be sharing the gospel. Pray for salvation of young and old.
Neighborhood Prayer Walk
We mentioned the prayer walk last week. There was a mistake on the date, the actual date that we are encouraging people to go on a prayer walk is March 25.
All you need to do is just walk around your neighborhood, pray for your neighbors and let the Spirit work.
That’s all we have for now -it’s your turn to let us know what your thoughts are.
If you have anything that we can help in prayer, please let us know.
We’d love to pray with you and for you.
Email us to
And until next time, thanks for reading!
The Journey Church Team
Follow us on social media
Journey Church Columbus | 8500 Memorial Dr. Plain City, OH 43064
Follow us on social
Journey In The Word
Red Letters
‘Father, forgive them; for they know not what they do’
LUKE 23:34
Dear Journey Family…
We started our Easter series, Famous Last Words From The Cross last Sunday and it was a great reminder of what the Lord said on the cross. He did not hold anything back, he endured the cross until he knew the payment for our salvation was satisfied, not until then did he gave up his spirit. Not easy for him, people mocking him, torturing him and his response: “Father forgive them”. This was just the first of seven famous words of Jesus on the cross.
Join us this Sunday for the second famous phrase.
Work Day At Journey
It’s spring cleaning day, and we would like to have our building ready to welcome our friends and guests this Easter
Mark your calendar for Saturday, March 11.
Thanks for all that already sign up and a few others that already started coming to the building and getting a head start.
You can sign up on the link below.
Community Easter Egg Hunt
Planning is full on ahead for our 2023 Community Easter Egg Hunt on Saturday, April 8th at 10am at Coffman Park in Dublin by the Dublin Rec Center.
We are asking you to help for starters by bringing eggs. This year our goal of for four thousand of eggs (yes, you read that right, 4 thousand). You can start laying -I mean, dropping off your eggs with individually wrapped candy inside.
There will also be opportunities for service in other areas and we’ll have more details soon.
We will have more details on this event, but we want to get started with the eggs, so save the date and feel free to start bringing eggs
Neighborhood Prayer Walk
We will be holding neighborhood prayer walks and we want to invite you and encourage you to participate. The date is March 11, you can just walk around your neighborhood and praying for your neighbors.
More details to come.
That’s all we have for now -it’s your turn to let us know what your thoughts are.
If you have anything that we can help in prayer, please let us know.
We’d love to pray with you and for you.
Email us to
And until next time, thanks for reading!
The Journey Church Team
Follow us on social media
Journey Church Columbus | 8500 Memorial Dr. Plain City, OH 43064
Follow us on social
Journey In The Word