Joyful In All Circumstances
'Rejoice always, '
1 Thessalonians 5:16
Dear Journey Family…
“Rejoice always” It’s that simple, right? It’s not if you try it on your own. Joy is part of the Fruit of The Spirit therefore it cannot be summoned or mustered on our own. It comes from a life that has trusted in Jesus.
He himself experienced the joy that does not depend on circumstances: “…For the joy set before him he endured the cross…” Hebrews 12:2. How can the cross bring him any joy, if he knew what was coming to him? His eyes were fixed on his Father, on the prize that is our salvation, not material things or the circumstances around him.
It sounds easier said than done. But only through him who endured all kinds of pain, can we endure the trials and grievances of this life.
Let’s take a hold of his hand and walk this life tightly to him.
As you are all aware by now, our sister Cathy Weber, Felix’s wife, passed away last week. Please Keep Felix and his family in your prayers. We will be holding Cathy’s Memorial Service this Saturday at our building (8500 Memorial Dr. Plain City, OH 43064) at 11am.
If you are planning on attending, keep in mind that there will be a lot of visitors coming to pay their respects to the family, so we are asking if you wouldn’t mind finding parking on the lots around our building; there will be parking guides when you arrive.
Also if you want to help out with food items, please contact Katie Miller (katiegramma@hotmail/(614) 403-0153) to find out what is still needed.
Lastly if you can’t attend but would like to watch the service here is the link for the stream. Saturday at 11am:
Looking at Easter
We start this Sunday with our Easter Series: “Famous Last Words From The Cross” This is a great opportunity to invite someone new to Journey to the service.
Join us this Sunday for our morning service. We hope to see you!
Work Day At Journey
It’s spring cleaning day!
Mark your calendar for Saturday, March 11. There will be more details and sign up instructions with the different areas of help that we will need.
Community Easter Egg Hunt
Planning is full on ahead for our 2023 Community Easter Egg Hunt on Saturday, April 8th at 10am at Coffman Park in Dublin by the Dublin Rec Center.
We are asking you to help for starters by bringing eggs. We want to have thousands of eggs (at least 4 thousand). Feel free to bring your eggs with individually wrapped candy inside.
There will also be opportunities for service in other areas and we’ll have more details soon.
We will have more details on this event, but we want to get started with the eggs, so save the date and feel free to start bringing eggs
Paint And Punch
Paint and Punch was a blast! Everyone was at their best and created very nice pieces of art.
We hope to see you on the next one!
To see the rest of the masterpieces click on this link .
That’s all we have for now -it’s your turn to let us know what your thoughts are.
If you have anything that we can help in prayer, please let us know.
We’d love to pray with you and for you.
Email us to
And until next time, thanks for reading!
The Journey Church Team
Follow us on social media
Journey Church Columbus | 8500 Memorial Dr. Plain City, OH 43064
Follow us on social
Journey In The Word
We Have God's Love.
‘See what great love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called children of God!’
1 John 3:1
Dear Journey Family…
Children of God. That’s what we are. Not bragging. Just quoting a truth from the Word. More in a humble, underserving attitude. Because we don’t deserve it. We deserve eternal punishment for our sins and transgressions and for breaking God’s law. Several times.
But only through Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross we can become children of God. To all who received him, to those who believe in his name, God gave them the right to become children of God.
Yes, God is crazy about us, but not crazy in the same way a little teenage girl goes love crazy for her favorite celebrity type of way; God doesn’t lose his head over us. His love is more of the love of a father seeing his children lost and going in a dangerously wrong direction and doing whatever it takes to bring them back even though they refuse to listen to him.
'He who did not spare His own Son, but delivered Him up for us all, how shall He not with Him also freely give us all things? ' Romans 8:32. It would be crazy to die for someone who is not crazy about you. But he did it. He planned it and at the right time, he came to die for you and me. Fully knowing what that was going to cost him.
May his name be praised and may we humbly surrender to him and follow him. Every day.
Join us this Sunday for our morning service. We hope to see you!
Last Call For Paint And Punch
There is still a little bit of room if you want to join us this Sunday to our first ever, Valentines themed, lovey-dubby, paint class and yummy punch. We hope you all can enjoy it and create some wonderful art.
Please remember to invite somebody!
Share the link or click on the button below to sign up.
Community Easter Egg Hunt
As we mentioned last week we are starting to plan ahead for our 2023 Community Easter Egg Hunt on Saturday, April 8th at 10am at Coffman Park in Dublin by the Dublin Rec Center. We are getting super excited for the prospect of all the people we will be inviting.
We will once again ask you to bring eggs. We want to have thousands of eggs. Last year with the number of people we had there were a few of our kids that had to give up their own eggs and gave them to some of the other kids that didn’t make it to the hunt quite on time, so great learning opportunity for them and wonderful to see their giving heart.
We will have more details on this event, but we want to get started with the eggs, so save the date and feel free to start bringing eggs with individually wrapped candy inside.
New Easter Sermon Series
Starting Sunday, February 26th Pastor Brian will kick off our Easter teaching series, and we will be focusing on the last 7 phrases he said according to the Gospels. This is a great opportunity to invite someone new to the service.
We are here to encourage you when you might be discouraged. One way to do it is by reminding you to read along your Journey family the New testament. It doesn’t matter if you didn’t start at the beginning of the year. Every day there is a new year starting, so hop on and start reading.
If you have been keeping up with the plan, congratulations! His word is our reward. You will reap a reward of a changed life for his glory for being a hearer, a reader and a doer of his word.
We ask you to be in prayer for our Worship Leader, Felix Weber. His wife Cathy went to be with the Lord last night.
If you would like to contribute to help Felix, please click on, please click on the link below. It will take you to a fundraiser page that Karen Burkhart, close friend of Felix and Cathy put together.
That’s all we have for now.
It’s your turn now to let us know what your thoughts are.
If you have anything that we can help in prayer, please let us know.
We’d love to pray with you and for you.
Email us to
And until next time, thanks for reading!
The Journey Church Team
Follow us on social media
Journey Church Columbus | 8500 Memorial Dr. Plain City, OH 43064
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Journey In The Word
What Must I Do...?
'And, behold, one came and said unto him, Good Master, what good thing shall I do, that I may have eternal life? '
Dear Journey Family…
Pastor Brian last Sunday shared with us about the cost of following Jesus. We can find many examples of people attempting to follow him but failing to do so. There is the rich young man who comes with a slyness about himself. He asks Jesus what he must do to to inherit eternal life. He didn’t like Jesus response and the text tells us that he turned around and left very sad because he was very rich.
As we count the cost to follow Jesus there are things that we need to leave behind, there are also things that will come as a result of that decision that will turn us away. Only trusting in Jesus, putting our eyes on him, on his work on the cross and his promises, can he help us live the life that he has planned for us.
By this time many of us give up our New Year’s resolution, we hope that is not the case with your Bible reading. But if it is, we are here to cheer you on and encourage you to keep going. It doesn’t matter if you have gotten behind. Pick up your Bible and get back on it! We are all in this together.
Paint And Punch
It’s turning out to be a great group already signed up for our Paint And Punch. People are wondering what we are going to paint. We will be unveiling the painting soon for everybody to get either very excited or very worried. Nevertheless, it will be a wonderful time to hang out together.
Please remember to invite somebody!
Community Easter Egg Hunt
I know it might seem too soon, but we want to be ready. We have started planning our 2023 Community Egg Hunt. This year the hunt will fall on Saturday, April 8th at 10am right before Easter Sunday. The location is Coffman Park in Dublin.
We will once again ask you to bring eggs. Lots of eggs. Easter eggs, just in case you were getting worried about the prices of eggs right now…
We will have more details on this event, but we want to get started with the eggs, so save the date and if you have any, feel free to start bringing eggs, Easter eggs!
That’s all we have for now.
It’s your turn now to let us know what your thoughts are.
If you have anything that we can help in prayer, please let us know.
We’d love to pray with you and for you.
Email us to
And until next time, thanks for reading!
The Journey Church Team
Follow us on social media
Journey Church Columbus | 8500 Memorial Dr. Plain City, OH 43064
Follow us on social
Journey In The Word
Rule Of Gold
' “So whatever you wish that others would do to you, do also to them, for this is the Law and the Prophets. '
Matthew 7:12
Dear Journey Family…
Last Sunday we got to the end of chapter 7 of Matthew and this way the end of our series on the Sermon On The Mount, Raising The Bar. We hope that it was of encouragement to realize how much higher Jesus raised the bar and that the only way to really be able to attain it is solely by putting our faith in Jesus and allowing him to transform us from the inside out, our thoughts, our actions, our desires and our dreams.
We start February at the end of the gospel of Matthew in our Bible reading. What lessons have you learned or relearned. What truths have popped up at you so far and have worked their way into your heart and are shaping you? Please share with us!
If you have missed it but would like to join, you can do it on the link below, there is also a pdf version that you can download or print in case you don’t have the Bible App. We’ll also have some plans printed available on Sunday if you want to pick one up.
Journey Church App
Did you know that Journey has its own app. It’s called Church Center.
What can you with on it?
Well, you can use it as a directory to connect with other Journey people, find out information about small groups; you can set up your giving; you can be in the know about events coming up and sign up for them among other things.
You can download it to your phone, the buttons below will take you to the app store and you can download it from there just like any other app. Once you install it you need to tell the app the name of our church and location and from there just follow the prompts to sign up.
Paint And Punch
Thanks to everyone that has signed up for our Valentine’s Day Paint and Punch night on Sunday, February 19 at 5pm. It’s looking like it will be a fun time to hang up with friends and create some great art. Gentlemen, go ahead and invite your date to this event then take her out for dinner afterwards. It’ll make for a very romantic evening.
The cost is $10 per person to help cover the materials. You can sign up in the link below. Invite your friends!
Missionary Of The Month: Chris Schweisthal
We want to encourage you to be in prayer for missionaries around the world taking the gospel to people and making disciples. Especially for those missionaries who as a church we are supporting financially but our commitment extends to supporting them in prayer too.
The month of February is Chris’ turn to be feature as our missionary of the month. Please pray for his work with CRU International; for the contacts they have made and the lives that are being changed through their personal testimony as well as the work they are doing through CRU.
That’s all we have for now.
It’s your turn now to let us know what your thoughts are.
If you have anything that we can help in prayer, please let us know.
We’d love to pray with you and for you.
Email us to
And until next time, thanks for reading!
The Journey Church Team
Follow us on social media
Journey Church Columbus | 8500 Memorial Dr. Plain City, OH 43064
Follow us on social
Journey In The Word
A. S. K. (Ask Seek Knock)
'If you then, who are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father who is in heaven give good things to those who ask him! '
Matthew 7:11
Dear Journey Family…
Pastor Brian took us back to the Sermon on the Mount in Matthew 7 and we looked at those three imperatives that Jesus gave us. Very practical advice and the promise that God will answer. Doesn’t mean he will answer the way we expect him to, if we have learned anything about him, it is the fact that he knows better than what we think. But he does answer our prayers.
If you want to see a short highlight from this sermon check this out:
And just like that we are getting to the end of January. How are you coming along with your Bible reading? What new truths have you discover this time around? Share them with us, we’d love to hear them.
So hopefully you are coming along with the plan just fine, but even if you are a bit behind, it’s alright, or if you haven’t started, don’t worry, you can hop on any time and then make up at the end. Either way we are here to encourage you, not to bash you. 1Thessalonians reminds us: 'Therefore encourage one another and build one another up, just as you are doing. '
Thanks to everyone that stayed after the service on Sunday for our business meeting. During the meeting we talked about giving online. Here is how you can do it:
Click on this link
If you already have an account in Church Center, click on login on the top right of the page. If you don’t have an account in Church Center, you can create one or if you wish not to do so, you can still give. If you want to set it up as a recurrent giving, you will need to create an account in Church Center.
Enter the amount and frequency of your donation. There are different options: one time giving, monthly, weekly, etc. Choose the one you wish to use. You can also choose the date of the donation.
If you already have an account, your name, email and other information will be automatically set, if you don’t, you’ll be asked to enter your email and other detals.
Select the payment method, bank account, credit card, debit card. In the same way if you already have an account, your payment methods should be available here but you can still enter a new form of payment.
Click on the “Start Giving” or “Give” button at the bottom (it would depend on if you are setting a recurrent/regular payment or a one time payment)
And that’s it!
But if you still have questions, please fell free to contact us, we will gladly guide you through it.
Thanks for your support and faithfulness in giving. Journey would not be able to continue without your support.
Paint And Punch
Last week we announced our first activity of this year, our Paint and Punch, but we needed to do a little adjustment, we switched the date to Sunday the 19. So get ready to come and enjoy this time that we plan and hope will give you and your spouse an excuse to spend time together doing something out of the ordinary surrounded by friends.
We are working on the piece we will be painting, so look forward for it coming soon.
The cost is $10 per person to help cover the materials. You can sign up in the link below. Invite your friends!
That’s all we have for now.
It’s your turn now to let us know what your thoughts are.
If you have anything that we can help in prayer, please let us know.
We’d love to pray with you and for you.
Email us to
And until next time, thanks for reading!
The Journey Church Team
Follow us on social media
Journey Church Columbus | 8500 Memorial Dr. Plain City, OH 43064
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Journey In The Word
Back To The Mount
'For everyone who asks receives; the one who seeks finds; and to the one who knocks, the door will be opened. '
Matthew 7:8
Dear Journey Family…
We have unfinished business in our sermon department and this Sunday Pastor Brian takes us back to Matthew 7 to continue for the next couple of weeks on the Sermon of the Mount series, Raising The Bar.
We hope you can join us in person or online.
Last week Pastor Brian encouraged us with that question. Many Christians don’t really know where to start when it comes to the matter of evangelism or sharing your faith. He gave us a one-verse-a-napkin-and-a-pen" solution.
Hopefully you got to use it.
If you need a refresher or if you missed it, here is the link to the video that explains it very simply
You probably heard or know that we threw the challenge out there for our church to read along the New Testament in a Year plan, starting in January. Well it’s not late to join, whether you start from the beginning or start with this week’s reading, it’s always an encouragement to be able to talk with others about how the Word is working in our lives.
Paint And Punch
And to start this year’s activities at Journey, we want to invite you and your date to a fun, relaxing paint class this February 12, Sunday, at 5pm. Make your painting while sipping on some delicious punch.
The cost is $10 per person to help cover the materials. You can sign up in the link below. Invite your friends!
Missionary of the Month: Chris Schweisthal
Since the beginning of Journey, we have made the support of missionaries part of the essence of what Journey is, every year we set money apart to share it with those around the world and here in the U.S. who are involved in evangelism and discipleship expanding God’s kingdom and taking the gospel to those that we ourselves wouldn’t be able to reach.
The first missionary on our list this year is Chris Schweisthal. We have been part of Chris’ support for many years now and we have had the opportunity to hear from him whenever he gets a chance to be around this area.
Chris has been working on developing leaders from students with Campus Crusade for Christ (now known as Cru in the U.S.)
We want to support our missionaries not just financially but in prayer, so we ask to keep Chris and his family in your prayers.
We’ll keep updating you monthly on our missionaries, needs and prayer requests from them
Let’s Get Down To Business
We want to thank everyone for your faithfulness and commitment to the ministry here at Journey, your support allows us to serve you and serve others.
This Sunday after the morning service, we will be holding a short business meeting to share with everyone about this year’s budget and what we see God leading us towards this year.
We hope you can join us. If you can’t make it but would like to have the information, please let us know, we’ll find a way to share the information with you.
This Sunday is Sanctity of Human Life Sunday. We will take a time to pray. Pray for courage to take a stand against the sin of abortion. For those young (and older) pregnant mothers who feel hopeless and against a culture that wants them to see only one choice, the worst of choices. And for every American to turn our eyes to the truth of the Gospel and the love that God has for life.
Especially the lives of the most defenseless.
Join us in prayer.
That’s all we have for now.
It’s your turn now to let us know what your thoughts are.
If you have anything that we can help in prayer, please let us know.
We’d love to pray with and for you.
Email us to
And until next time, thanks for reading!
The Journey Church Team
Follow us on social media
Journey Church Columbus | 8500 Memorial Dr. Plain City, OH 43064
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Journey In The Word
A Book Of Truth
'but his delight is in the law of the Lord , and on his law he meditates day and night. '
Psalm 1:2
Dear Journey Family…
Are you reading your Bible? We hope you are. It’s been a great two weeks of reading the New Testament and being able to share with other Journey folks what the Lord is speaking to them through the New Testament, through the Gospel through Matthew. It’s really great to see our church family engaged in the truth and being fed and led by it.
And if you haven’t started, don’t worry, you can hop on any time. It’s better to start late than not start at all.
State Of the Bible In America
A couple of Sundays ago during our Sunday morning gathering there was a mention of a research done by the American Bible Society on Americans in relation to the Bible. It’s a very interesting reading, the information is very eye opening and shocking at times. If this interests you and want to learn more about it, here is the link to it.
That’s all we have for now.
It’s your turn now to let us know what your thoughts are.
What did you get out of your reading on the New Testament this week?
Please let us know. We’d love to pray with you.
Email us to
And until next time, thanks for reading!
The Journey Church Team
Follow us on social media
Journey Church Columbus | 8500 Memorial Dr. Plain City, OH 43064
Follow us on social
Journey In The Word
Two, Zero, Twenty Three
'All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, '
2 Timothy 3:16
Dear Journey Family…
Happy New Year Journey family!
Resolutions, new goals, priorities. Always hard to keep but not bad to have. How are you doing so far? Hopefully you are keeping up just fine. Many times is easy to start new resolutions but hard to continue them and that is why we need all the encouragement we can get.
The best encouragement, of course, comes from God through his word and the the Holy Spirit living in us:
Colossians 3:23-24
“Whatever you do, work heartily, as for the Lord and not for men, knowing that from the Lord you will receive the inheritance as your reward. You are serving the Lord Christ.”
May God bless you this year and may you abide in him daily.
Abide In Jesus, Abide in his Word
Our church challenge for this 2023 is to read together the New Testament, we started last Sunday but it’s not late to get caught up in your reading, join us and encourage one another with what we got out of our reading.
Here is a link to the plan on the Bible App and to a pdf document with the weekly reading if you rather just have it printed.
Whatever way you decide to do it, we hope that you take time daily on God’s word.
Dive Deeper
Last Sunday we started a new series for the new year on the importance of God’s Word, and this Sunday we continue discovering how God’s word changes us into what God wants us to be. We hope you can join us
That’s all we have for now.
It’s your turn now to let us know what your thoughts are.
How are you doing with resolutions? Did you make any this year?
Please let us know. We’d love to pray with you.
Email us to
And until next time, thanks for reading!
The Journey Church Team
Follow us on social media
Journey Church Columbus | 8500 Memorial Dr. Plain City, OH 43064
Follow us on social
Journey In The Word
Good News Year.
'“The time has come,” he said.
“The kingdom of God has come near.
Repent and believe the good news!” '
Mark 1:15
Dear Journey Family…
2022 is ending and with that as we usually do we look back at our whole year. How was yours? On this end of the year, are you closer to God than last year? Farther? The same? We hope that through the ministry here at Journey Church we have been a means to strengthen your relationship with God and that we can encourage you to stay close to our Lord as we start a new year.
Start The Year In Communion
This Sunday, the first day of 2023, we would like to invite you to start it with us either in person or online and specially since we are going to be sharing communion. What a wonderful way to start the year remembering the sacrifice of our Lord Jesus for our sins.
Join us at 10am at our ministry center or online (click on the button below for the link).
New Year, New Challenge
If you are up for a challenge, we would like to throw one your way. We want to invite you, starting this Sunday the 1st, to join us in a daily Bible reading of the New Testament in a year. You can use the Bible Project’s New Testament In A Year plan, you can click on the link below. for the over achievers, you don’t have to wait until Sunday, you can start right away and if you feel plus over achiever, go ahead and read the whole Bible if you finish the NT earlier, it’s not going to hurt you. Either way, we want to read the Bible everyday together as a church family.
That’s all we have for now.
It’s your turn now to let us know what your thoughts are.
Have you ever read the whole Bible? How has that affected you?
Please let us know. We’d love to pray with you.
Email us to
And until next time, thanks for reading!
The Journey Church Team
Follow us on social media
Journey Church Columbus | 8500 Memorial Dr. Plain City, OH 43064
Follow us on social
Journey In The Word
The Gift That Keeps On Giving
For the wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.
Romans 6:23
Dear Journey Family…
Merry Christmas you all!
Gifts, family, celebrations, cheer. But at the center of all, Christ. On the 25th and every day afterwards, beforehand and right now. How are you celebrating and remembering his birthday today? If we exchange presents, what present am I giving him? There is nothing he needs. There is nothing we can give him. There is something he wants though:
' “If you love me, keep my commands. ' John 14:15
But he also knows that we can’t keep his commandments on our own, that is why he follows that with:
'And I will ask the Father, and he will give you another Helper, to be with you forever, ' John 14:16
Even after he gave us the way back to the Father, he doesn’t leave us alone, he keeps giving us gifts, and he gives us his Holy Spirit to be able to exist in this world pleasing him but also doing his mission.
We are saved by faith'; we also live by faith. Daily. It’s all a gift, we don’t work for it, we can’t pay it back we just accept it and surrender to him and his good and perfect will.
We hope you’ll have a time of reflection on this amazing truth during the weekend that can turn into worship.
Candlelight Christmas Eve Service
The candles are ready to be lit! We welcome you to join us tomorrow evening for our 5pm candlelight Christmas Eve service. We’d love to welcome your friends and guests that you can invite. Great opportunity for outreach celebrating Christmas.
Merry Christmas Morning
Sunday at 10am, our usual service time, we’ll gather together to worship our Lord, sing his carols and focus on his birth and what it means to all of us. It’ll be an intimate time of reflection with the whole Journey family together, no kids classes, we want everyone coming to worship as a big family.
New Year
We want to start the new year with the right mindset, with our heart in the right place.
Please join us on Sunday, January 1st for our communion service at 10am.
That’s all we have this week.
Now it’s your turn to let us know what your thoughts are.
What has been the best gift you’ve ever received?
What are you praying for this Christmas?
Please let us know. We’d love to pray with you.
Email us to
And until next time, thanks for reading!
The Journey Church Team
Follow us on social media
Journey Church Columbus | 8500 Memorial Dr. Plain City, OH 43064
Follow us on social
Journey In The Word
Them Three Kings
'Now when Jesus was born in Bethlehem of Judea in the days of Herod the king, behold, there came wise men from the east to Jerusalem, '
Matthew 2:1
Dear Journey Family…
Aaaaand just like that, we are half way through December.
By this time we have already heard it more than a few times: “Jesus is the reason for the season”. This is obviously correct; if we believe that he was born in December as we traditionally celebrate. What does that mean, though? Whether he was born in December, in April or on the fourth of July, he is not a season. He is the reason for our existence, and the purpose and the goal of our existence, Colossians 1:16 “For in him all things were created: things in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or powers or rulers or authorities; all things have been created through him and for him.”
How does this affect me? Well, we shouldn’t just assign him a holiday, or a season. A day a year or two. We should dedicate our lives to the pursuit of knowing him as fully as we can, with everything at our disposal, with every fiber of our bodies.
These wise men give us an example of a life dedicated to the study, pursuit and sharing of the King.
We’ll keep talking about this on Sunday as we look at the wise men and the star and how that pursuit changed their lives.
Join us at 10 am
Hispanic Christmas Party
We are getting ready to receive quite a few Hispanic families that we have invited; last Sunday we took our kids class caroling and were able to pass invitations to about 50 families plus others that we have invited individually. So please pray that this can be a great time of fellowship and that people are receptive to the message of the Gospel and our hospitality as we serve them this Saturday.
Again we ask for your prayers for this effort, and if you know any Hispanic family and would like to invite them, here is a link to the information in Spanish: link
And if you want to help in any way, or have questions please email or text Carlo (email address:; phone number: 614-315--3676)
Holidays Services
One week more and Christmas Eve is here! We hope you can join us with your family and friends to our celebration and remembrance of the birth of our Savior. We start on the 24th at 5pm.
Sunday, the 25th we will have our morning service at the usual time, 10am. Kids are welcome to come in their jammies.
Sunday, January 1st. We have our first service of the year.
We hope to see you all on these dates, but more than that, hopefully we can see each other more than once a week, either visiting, at a small group or maybe at the store, who knows.
That’s all we have this week.
Now it’s your turn to let us know what your thoughts are.
In what ways are you like the wise men? In what ways are you not like them?
Please let us know. As usual, we’d love to pray with you.
Email us to
And until next time, thanks for reading!
The Journey Church Team
Follow us on social media
Journey Church Columbus | 8500 Memorial Dr. Plain City, OH 43064
Follow us on social
Journey In The Word
Can You Believe It?
“As long as I am in the world,
I am the light of the world.”
John 9:5
Dear Journey Family…
December is here and with it the full on, no restrictions all allowed Christmas season. So merry Christmas!!
We know that the reason for the season is Jesus, his birth, the purpose of his birth and the hope that he brought with him to all people: “I bring you good news of great joy that will be for all the people” said the angel to the shepherds.
And we know that we need to focus on Jesus and celebrate him before we celebrate our families, or ourselves or the celebration itself.
But what does that mean? How do we get to that point to really celebrate, remember, acknowledge, recognize and prioritize him? If we don’t have the answer to that, then we shouldn’t call ourselves Christians. Because this is how we are supposed to live everyday! Remembering him, celebrating him or in other words, worshipping him. Recognizing and exalting him and giving him the first place. If we are trying to do all these things, we shouldn’t call ourselves Christians as well, because if we truly have believed in Jesus, this will ‘flow rivers of living water’ from our hearts, we wouldn’t be able to help it.
So this “Christmas season” are our hearts flowing with rivers of living water? Or are we trying to see how we can fit our worship into our busy schedule?
We invite you to join us for our Sunday morning preaching series “Unbelievable Christmas”.
This season “believing” is a common theme and we hear it often: “Believe in Santa Claus”. “Believe in magic, the Christmas magic”. “Believe in yourself”. And the topic becomes tainted with ideas and philosophies that have nothing to do with Jesus Christ. We want to help you see what the Bible says about believing and specially with the events that surrounded the birth of Jesus.
So please join us in person or online as we start this series that we are praying can fan the flame of your faith.
And also invite people to join us, this is the easiest time to share with others about Jesus, it’s literally everywhere and people have Jesus in their minds one way or another. So go ahead bring someone along!
Cookies Exchange
One More Week For Cookies!
The Women’s Ministry Cookies Exchange is just about a week away and thank you all that signed up already, we have a great group already signed up.
Come for the cookies and stay for an encouraging message by Amy Stewart and a great time of fellowship. It’s going to be sweet!
The event is on Saturday, December 10th from 1pm to 3 pm.
Registration is open, invite your friends and family.
Click on the photo above or the button below to sign up:
Calling All Aspiring Artists Of All Ages
The seats are getting less and less, but we still have room if you want to come and paint with us and bring someone along.
Again, this is an outreach event so Invite your friends, kids, adults, it’s a fun, relaxing two hour class and a great opportunity to make your own artwork but even better, with a very deep meaning.
Bible By Colors is an event free of cost to everyone attending, however, if you feel led to make a donation to cover the costs of materials, feel free to do so.
Registration is open, ages K and up to 99 years old, just click on the image above or the button below:
Thankful For…
Thanks to everyone that took the time to share their gratitude in our Thanksgiving video. If you didn’t get a chance to watch it, you can here:
That’s all we have this week.
Now it’s your turn to let us know what your thoughts are.
How do you celebrate the birth of Jesus?
Please let us know. As usual, we’d love to pray with you.
Email us to
And until next time, thanks for reading!
The Journey Church Team
Follow us on social media
Journey Church Columbus | 8500 Memorial Dr. Plain City, OH 43064
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Journey In The Word
Happy Thanksgiving
And whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him.
Colossians 3:17
Dear Journey Family…
We just want to take a moment to say thanks.
Thanks to our Lord for his sacrifice on the cross for the forgiveness of our sins.
Thanks for his faithfulness, his provision, his protection and his unending love.
Thanks because he considers us faithful to give us a mission after we put our trust in him.
Thanks for his word, the lamp to our feet in this world of darkness.
Thanks for our church family that he has brought together, for the leadership and wisdom to continue to do ministry serving him and serving others.
Thanks to all of you for your faithfulness to God and to this ministry, for the support and encouragement you bring to Journey Church.
And finally thanks for the promise that one day we will be in his presence worshipping him the way he intended with nothing to come between us, no sin, no illness, no pain, no sorrow for eternity.
God is good!
We hope you can join us this Sunday at 10am for our Thanksgiving Communion Service. But if you can’t come in person, you can join us online
Cookies Exchange
Cookie for Cookies!
We are getting close to the Women’s Ministry Cookies Exchange and thank you all that signed up already, there is still room for more.
Come for the cookies and stay for an encouraging message and a great time of fellowship.
The event is on Saturday, December 10th from 1pm to 3 pm.
Registration is open, invite your friends and family.
Click on the photo above or the button below to sign up:
Journey Thanksgiving Communion Service
Thanksgiving at church, what a wonderful combination. We get to celebrate together and be thankful to our Lord, Jesus Christ for what he did for us sacrificing himself to pay for our sins.
Thanksgiving Communion Service this Sunday, November 27.
Make sure to be on your seat early so you won’t miss a special treat we put together for our Journey family.
See you Sunday!
The Colors Of Christmas
Remember that Saturday December 3rd, we’ll have our second installment of Bible By Colors.
This is an outreach event so Invite your friends, kids, adults and everyone that wants to try their hand at painting, it’s a fun, relaxing time and a great opportunity to make your own artwork but even better, it’s based on the Bible!
Bible By Colors is an event free of cost to everyone attending, however, if you feel led to make a donation to cover the costs of materials, feel free to do so.
Registration is open, ages K and up to 99 years old, just click on the image above or the button below:
Unbelievable Christmas
That’s the name of our Christmas Season Teaching Series Starting next week. We hope you can join us but also December is the perfect time of the year to invite people to church, everyone is thinking of “the reason for the season”, so let’s take advantage of that and bring a friend during the month of December.
Let’ see what the Lord does with that person you are inviting. I’ll tell you one thing, it will be a blessing!
That’s all we have this week.
Now it’s your turn to let us know what your thoughts are.
What are you thankful for?
Please let us know. We’d love to pray with you.
Email us to
And until next time, thanks for reading!
The Journey Church Team
Follow us on social media
Journey Church Columbus | 8500 Memorial Dr. Plain City, OH 43064
Follow us on social
Journey In The Word
“For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you.”
Matthew 7:2
Dear Journey Family…
“Don’t judge!”
That’s a common phrase we hear now a days. But what do people mean or what do we understand the phrase means?
Many times the subtext is “I know that what I am doing is wrong, but I still want to do it, and I don’t need you to remind me that I am doing something wrong, because who are you to tell me I’m wrong anyway?”
That’s a lot of subtext behind two words -”Don’t judge”
So should we judge? Well, thank the Lord he left very clear instructions on judging. He said, look at yourself first before judging. That doesn’t mean don’t judge, it means to be aware of our own faults, and not come at people from a high and mighty position, but from a humble one; but we still need one another to help us be better. We do have a hard time looking at ourselves and sometimes a good, timely advice can save someone from making bad decisions or from a life apart from God.
So we start taking a look inwards but then we go and help those around us and point them towards Jesus.
If you want to watch Pastor Brian’s message click on the image below:
Cookies Exchange
‘C’ Is For Cookie
Have you invited somebody already?
Remember that they don’t need to bring cookies, if they just want to have a great time sharing and “fellowshipping” and like cookies, they are welcome.
The event is on Saturday, December 10th from 1 to 3 pm.
Registration is open for the WMCE (Women’s Ministry Cookies Exchange)
Click on the photo above or the button below to sign up:
Last Call To Be Thankful
One more Sunday to record your “thankful video”. We want anyone that would like to express their gratitude to our Lord and share it with Journey to have a chance to do so.
It can be a whole list or just one word. We all have something to be thankful for.
We will be showing the compiled videos during our Thanksgiving Communion Service on Sunday, November 27, so make sure to be on your seat right at the beginning of the service so you don’t miss it.
Paint Your Christmas With Colors
Saturday December 3rd, we will be holding another installment of Bible By colors but this time with a Christmas theme.
Invite your friends, this is not just for kids but everyone that wants to try their hand at painting, it’s a fun, relaxing and great opportunity to make your own artwork but even better, it’s based on the Bible!
Bible By Colors is an event free of cost to everyone attending, however, if you feel led to make a donation to cover the costs of materials, feel free to do so.
Registration is open, just click on the photo or the button below:
The George’s Trip To Israel
Denny and Carol are getting ready to share about this wonderful adventure God allowed them to experience. This Sunday, November 20th they will reflect and share with us about their recent trip to Israel and the lessons that they learned throughout their time there.
We hope you can join us! But if not, you can watch it online during our regular streaming time at 10am
That’s all we have this week.
Now it’s your turn to let us know what your thoughts are.
Do you tend to judge others? Do you feel judged by others? Is there anything you should change in that area?
Please let us know. We’d love to pray with you.
Email us to
And until next time, thanks for reading!
The Journey Church Team
Follow us on social media
Journey Church Columbus | 8500 Memorial Dr. Plain City, OH 43064
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Journey In The Word
'And which of you by being anxious can add a single hour to his span of life? '
Matthew 6:27
Dear Journey Family…
We all worry. It’s easy. It’s mundane. It shows that we care, right?
Or does it?
If it did so, the Lord would have encouraged it.
But He didn’t.
On the contrary, He encouraged us NOT to worry, even more, He called us not worry. Worrying shows our lack of faith. Or our dependance on ourselves rather than God. Our inclination towards control, when in actuality we don’t have much control at all really. He has the control, shouldn’t I just give it all to Him?
Shouldn’t we just ‘seek first His kingdom and righteousness’? But we struggle, daily, it’s not a big sin, is it? But it is. That is why Jesus in Matthew at the end of chapter 6 gives us something to remember daily:
' “Therefore do not be anxious about tomorrow, for tomorrow will be anxious for itself. Sufficient for the day is its own trouble.'
If you want to watch Pastor Brian’s message on anxiety and worry click on the image below:
Cookies Exchange
Where Did Cookies Come From?
From Wikipedia (where else?):
Cookies appear to have their origins in 7th century AD Persia, shortly after the use of sugar became relatively common in the region. They spread to Europe through the Muslim conquest of Spain. By the 14th century, they were common in all levels of society throughout Europe, from royal cuisine to street vendors.[
What’s your favorite type of cookie?
Remember that registration is open for the WMCE (Women’s Ministry Cookies Exchange) on December 10th from 1 to 3 pm.
Please invite somebody that likes cookies, even if they don’t like cookies or don’t bring cookies, invite them anyway, there will be plenty for everyone!
Click on the photo above or the button below to sign up:
Get Your Gratitude On Video
Thank you for those who stopped by this Sunday and left their “Thank You’s” recorded on video. During November, we will continue to record different Journey folks to hear what they are grateful for.
We will be showing the compiled videos during our Thanksgiving Communion Service on Sunday, November 27.
The George’s Trip To Israel
Sunday, November 20th Pastor Denny and Carol will be sharing with us about their recent trip to Israel and what the Lord spoke to them through this unique and amazing experience. We are looking forward to hear what they will be sharing and to be encouraged by their testimony.
We hope you can join us!
That’s all we have this week.
Now it’s your turn to let us know what your thoughts are.
Are you a worrier? What do you worry about the most?
Please let us know. We’d love to pray with you.
Email us to
And until next time, thanks for reading!
The Journey Church Team
Follow us on social media
Journey Church Columbus | 8500 Memorial Dr. Plain City, OH 43064
Follow us on social
Journey In The Word
What Are You Investing In?
' “Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moths and vermin destroy, and where thieves break in and steal. '
Matthew 6:19
Dear Journey Family…
When we consider the things that we value most, what do they show about our hearts? Jesus advice is to treasure things up in heaven where nothing can destroy them and where they will last forever. But what does that mean? How can I store up treasure in heaven?
That is what Pastor Brian addressed as he took a look at Matthew 6. If you missed his sermon, you can watch it online right now, just click on the image below:
Cookies Exchange
Registration is now open for the Women’s Ministry Cookies Exchange on December 10th from 1 to 3 pm. Please invite somebody even if they don’t bring cookies, there will be plenty for everyone!
To sign up, click on the photo above or the button below:
Thankful, Grateful, Appreciative
November is here and we can’t help but feel the spirit of the holidays sinking in, and with that we have the first big one: Thanksgiving, where traditionally, everyone is encouraged to take a look and find something to give thanks for. But beyond tradition, the Bible encourages us to be thankful always: “…give thanks in all circumstances” (1 Thessalonians 5:16).
We would like to invite you to share with us what you are thankful for this season of your life, and we would like to share that with everyone here at Journey. Starting this Sunday, we’ll be recording some of these “thank you notes” before and after the morning service. So come prepared, think about what the Lord is and has been doing in your life that you would like to give thanks for.
Thanksgiving Communion Service
Sunday, November 27th we will be giving thanks to our Lord for His sacrifice on the cross and will be remembering the last meal He had with His disciples before the cross. What best way to show our gratitude than to share this during the Thanksgiving weekend.
We hope you can join us!
It’s That Time Again
Just a friendly reminder that this weekend is Daylight Savings and we move our clocks back one hour, or if you are fancy, your devices change it for you automatically. You still need to remember though that we will be on fall/winter time. No one wants to get to church late, right?
Next in our Raising the Bar series comes from Matthew 6:25-34. If you have ever been anxious, this will bring light to what Jesus tells us in regards to anxiety. We hope you can join us this Sunday at 10am. Here’s the link to the online stream:
That’s all we have this week.
Now it’s your turn to let us know what your thoughts are.
What is your most valuable possession? Does it line up with God’s will? What do you need to change if anything?
Please let us know. We’d love to pray with you.
Email us to
And until next time, thanks for reading!
The Journey Church Team
Follow us on social media
Journey Church Columbus | 8500 Memorial Dr. Plain City, OH 43064
Follow us on social
Journey In The Word
Trick Or Treat - A Treat Or A Trick?
' “All things are lawful,” but not all things are helpful. “All things are lawful,” but not all things build up. '
1 Corinthians 10:23
Dear Journey Family…
October 31st is among us one more time. The second most popular and profitable holiday in the United States calendar, just below Christmas.
And every year we see all kinds of costumes being worn and traditions that people hold, decorations hanging and displayed on the porches and front yards with some spooky imagery; some silly but some truly scary and worthy of a haunted house ride.
The fact is, people just love halloween.
What’s not to like? Candy? Dressing up? Hanging out with the neighbors?
However, we do need to be diligent, think and based on what we understand the Bible to teach us, make a decision on where we are standing on this and every other area of our lives, not just on halloween.
What you won’t find in the Bible is “you shall not celebrate Halloween” But we can find wisdom in making a decision taking in consideration what we know about halloween. Is it just a fun celebration for kids to get candy going door to door? Or is there more to it?
This pastor did a deeper study on the subject and has a very objective way of looking at it. Feel free to watch it and draw your own conclusions:
Worship Night
Thank you to everyone that showed up to our Worship Night and specially thank you to Felix and everyone in the band for leading us to God’s presence in worship. What a night to focus on our Savior and our Heavenly Father. If you were able to attend you probably agree that we could feel God’s presence in the room. To Him be the glory and honor for ever.
Who Likes Cookies?
Journey Women’s Ministry will be holding their Cookies Exchange coming up on December 10th from 1 to 3 in the afternoon. So if you are a woman and you like cookies, you can’t miss this!
You can start signing up. Just click on the image or the button below:
Pastor Brian continues with another message from the Raising The Barr series from The Sermon On The Mount in Matthew 5, 6 and 7 and this Sunday we’ll hear about how to better invest our goods, assets and valuables. We hope you can join us. But if you can’t, you can join us online then, here’s the link:
That’l all we have for now.
It’s your turn now to let us know what your thoughts are.
What are your thoughts on halloween? How has God lead you in that area or in any other area that might not be as black and white as we would like.
Please let us know. We’d love to pray with you.
Email us to
And until next time, thanks for reading!
The Journey Church Team
Follow us on social media
Journey Church Columbus | 8500 Memorial Dr. Plain City, OH 43064
Follow us on social
Journey In The Word
The Forgiver And The Forgiven
' For if you forgive others their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you, '
Matthew 6:14
Dear Journey Family…
Have you ever needed to forgive someone?
Easy, isn’t it? Or maybe: “not really easy at all”
Yet, regardless of our constant offenses, those who have been redeemed by Christ Jesus, have also been forgiven through Him by our heavenly Father. There are many examples in the Bible of forgiveness and forgiven people.
And there are those debates also: “Do we need to forgive and forget for it to count?” And “Is forgiving a one time deal?”. They almost seem as excuses too keep holding on to something but deep down inside, we know what it takes to forgive, because we need that same forgiveness!
Pastor Brian pointed us to Scripture in Matthew 6 where Jesus reminded us the importance of forgiveness.
Do you need to forgive someone? Don’t hesitate, go ahead and forgive that person. Among other things, you’ll be lighter. Do you need to ask for forgiveness, it can be humbling but still necessary. God wants us to keep clean records, He already provided the means for that to happen, we just need forgive and ask for forgiveness everyday.
To watch Pastor Brian’s message, click on the link below:
Worship Night
Getting closer and closer to our Worship Night. Felix and the band are getting ready to lead us in worship with singing and instruments that will bring us all together to give glory to our Creator and Savior.
Please plan to join us, Wednesday October 26 at 7pm.
And invite someone!
And that’s all we have for now.
It’s your turn now to let us know what your thoughts are.
Is there anyone that you are struggling forgiving or anything that you need to ask forgiveness for?
Please let us know. We’d love to pray with you.
Email us to
And until next time, thanks for reading!
The Journey Church Team
Follow us on social media
Journey Church Columbus | 8500 Memorial Dr. Plain City, OH 43064
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Journey In The Word
Do You Believe God's Word?
‘Thy Word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path’
Psalm 119:105
Dear Journey Family…
The Bible. God’s Word.
Is there any other book that has such an emotional weight attached to it and that is as controversial?
There is something about this book, isn’t there?
For Christians (followers, disciples of Christ), it’s the foundation to everything they are supposed to be.
Now, for you (assuming you are a follower of Christ) do you believe everything this book says? Because if you have read the book, it has some crazy outrageous passages written in it. Talking animals, apparitions, dead people not dead anymore, predictions of things that ended up happening and of things yet to happen, people flying, fire from the sky. “Good” people doing bad things, “bad” people doing good things.
To some this book is outdated. To others it’s so sacred, we shouldn’t even read it. But to us believers in Christ, it is everything. We trust it unquestionably, and the book itself is so sure of its claims that it encourages us to question it.
At the end of the day, we should ask ourselves the question that Pastor Justin asked at the end of his message last Sunday: “Do you believe the Bible?”
To watch Pastor Justin’s full message, click below:
Worship Night
The night is Wednesday, October 26 at 7pm.
The purpose: WORSHIP
We invite you to a night of total focus on Jesus.
Come and join us in praise and worship to our Savior and Lord, it will be an evening full of joy and that will bring glory to His name.
We Hope You Enjoyed It!
Nicole Scarberry’s Visit
A couple of Sundays ago, we received a visit from Nicole Scarberry who we have been supporting for several years now, and she was sharing with the congregation an update of what the Lord is doing in Dominican Republic and the wonderful news that she’s engaged to get married soon.
If you would like to hear her update, click on the link below.
And that’s all we have for now.
It’s your turn now to let us know what your thoughts are.
When it comes to God’s Word, what doubts, questions or struggles do you have? How do you study the Bible?
Please let us know. We’d love to pray with you.
Email us to
And until next time, thanks for reading!
The Journey Church Team
Follow us on social media
Journey Church Columbus | 8500 Memorial Dr. Plain City, OH 43064
Follow us on social
Journey In The Word
Our Father, Who Art In Heaven
'Pray then like this: “Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name. Your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. '
Matthew 6:9-10
Dear Journey Family…
How is your prayer life?
Don’t we always think we need to do better at praying? And we do! But how?
Jesus gives us the key in the first lines of the famous “Lord’s Prayer”: “Hallowed be your name…” We usually pray very selfish prayers, when the heart of a prayer comes from a deep desire to worship and exalt God. The only way to have that desire is if He himself gives us that. And that happens when we believe. He’s given us all things with Christ: “His divine power has granted to us all things that pertain to life and godliness, through the knowledge of him who called us to his own glory and excellence” (1Peter 1:3). We just let ourselves get distracted by so many things.
We constantly need to be depending on Him who gave His life for us. And when we do, the gratitude and humility necessary for our prayers will come to us by “His divine power”.
To watch Pastor’s Brian full message on The Lord’s Prayer, click below:
BBQ Time Is Here!
Tuesday, October 11, we will be having some nice barbecue and great fellowship, we hope you can make it.
There is still time to register. The requirements: Are you a man? Do you like bbq? And most importantly, do you need to be encouraged by other men seeking and following Christ? Then you are in!
Click on the button below to register.
Got Fifteen Minutes?
If you didn’t get to come to the service or missed it online but don’t have time to watch the full message, first of all, we need to talk about your priorities. But second of all, we have a 15 minute portion of the sermon that you can watch online:
Journey in 15 minutes. Use it for your own but also you can share it when you want to invite someone and they want to have an idea the type of teaching that we do here at Journey.
Worship Night
The night is Wednesday, October 26 at 6pm.
The purpose: WORSHIP
We invite you to a night of total focus on Jesus.
Come and join us in praise and worship to our Savior and Lord, it will be an evening full of joy and that will bring glory to His name.
And that’s all we have for now.
It’s your turn now to let us know what your thoughts are.
How is your prayer life? How can we pray for you?
Please let us know. We’d love to pray with you.
Email us to
And until next time, thanks for reading!
The Journey Church Team
Follow us on social media
Journey Church Columbus | 8500 Memorial Dr. Plain City, OH 43064
Follow us on social
Journey In The Word