'All the believers were one in heart and mind. No one claimed that any of their possessions was their own, but they shared everything they had. '
Acts 4:32
Dear Journey Family:
It’s Palm Sunday! And we are so excited to celebrate the sacrifice and resurrection of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. And at Journey this year as part of our Easter celebrations, we are preparing so together we can focus on what is really important during this holiday, perhaps the most important holiday for a Christian. So we hope you are preparing your heart and looking forward to this coming week.
EGGS!! 〰️ EASTER!! 〰️
Thanks to everyone that has brought eggs. We have a bunch of them, but we are not done, if you want to or can bring more eggs, already prefilled with candy, we can take as many as we can get.
We are not exactly sure how many kids will be coming but the word is out, the schools in Plain City are inviting the families, there are posters and invitation all over the place, so we might get a good number of people.
And invite your friends, your children’s friend’s families, we want this to be as big as we have ever done an event. You can send them the link to the event: LINK
And pray. Pray for good weather, pray for the people coming, pray for the message of the Gospel and for opportunities to share with those who haven’t heard the good news.
And bring more eggs. Pastor and Brian and Penny are bringing 500 (that is FIVE HUNDRED) eggs. It’s not a competition, but he is winning. Just saying.
As Pastor Brian shared during his message “Engage/Re-Engage” last Sunday, we are inviting everyone at Journey to take time to fast and we are going to do that tomorrow, Friday, April 8.
We hope you can do it along with the rest of us as we look to prepare for what in some countries is referred to “Holy Week”. Use fasting as a time to reflect, refocus on Jesus and pray. Whether it is abstaining from food or any other thing that you realize God is showing you to fast from, every time you get that little “jolt” in your tummy because you are hungry, or that reflex to do whatever you decide to fast from, bring your thoughts to Jesus. And pray. And for an extra challenge: don’t tell anyone you are fasting.
Journeymen Bible Study
Starting tomorrow and for four weeks, the men at Journey will hold a Bible study to encourage one another to follow Jesus and let him change us and guide us.
The first one is this Saturday, April 9 at 8 am at Eric Harrington’s home in Galloway. For details email us HERE
Everyone Invite One
Another challenge that Pastor Brian is throwing out there is for everyone coming to Journey on Easter Sunday to bring one person, one guest. So we are letting you know with plenty of time so you can be thinking and starting to invite people because they say that to have one person come, you need to invite ten.
This also means that we need to be ready to receive visitors on that Sunday (and every Sunday, for that matter), be welcoming, ready to serve and ready to answer questions our friends might have, from “where is the bathroom” to “how do I get saved”. Let the Lord lead!
Remember as well that our Good Friday Family Communion Service is on April 15 at 6pm.
And that’s all we have for now. Now it’s your turn to let us know what your thoughts are, share a story with us about a person you are praying for and hoping they either put their trust in Jesus or at least you hope they’d be open to hear about Him, or maybe come to church. We’d love to to pray along with you.
Please email us to
May your remain close to the Lord’s walk today and everyday
And until next time, thanks for reading.
The Journey Church Team
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Journey Church Columbus | 8500 Memorial Dr. Plain City, OH 43064