Picture puzzle!
There are a lot of “R’s” in this square. some of them are backwards, some of them are upside down but there is an intrusive among them, one that doesn’t belong. Can you find it?
–Answer at the bottom ↓
Being guilty and feeling guilty are not the same things. You can be guilty but not feel guilty. You can also feel guilty but not be guilty. What is the difference? Being guilty is more than feeling guilty, it is being held responsible for breaking the rules. It doesn’t matter if the person feels bad about it or not, if the person breaks the rules, that person is guilty.
The Bible teaches us that we all are guilty of breaking God’s laws. When someone is guilty, we deserve punishment. God judges us for breaking His laws, meaning, He sees what we have done and applies a punishment.
But here are the good news! He sent His son Jesus to take that punishment for us. He was punished for what we did wrong. Best-news-ever! This verse shows us how we are not judged guilty: