A challenge for you. It’s called “Sticky Note Challenge”. Today (or tomorrow, if you are reading this at night 🌖 ), find a block of post-it notes 🗒️ , you know, sticky notes, and a pen 🖊️ or pencil ✏️ (markers work too), and throughout the day make and leave little sticky notes with messages or pictures ✍️ of encouragement, kindness or love 💕 to your family members. You can leave them on an easy to find place, like their door 🚪, mirror 🪞, the refrigerator. Or you can leave them hidden in a drawer, behind a stuffed animal 🧸 or pillow or in the pantry. Then wait ⏰ for them to find them and see if they get a smile 😊 on their face!
Jesus was all about that. Bringing joy to people. He gave us the ultimate joy, that we don’t have to worry we won’t spend eternity with God in heaven, we will! All because of what Jesus did for us. His “sticky note” to us was the cross, where He paid for our sins. Check out this verse:
So what does the thief, Jesus said, comes to do? And what does Jesus do? What do you think about that?